mother feeding baby
Did you know that over two million babies could be saved every year if breastfed within one hour of birth? Did you know that mothers who breastfed were 50% more protected from rheumatoid arthritis? Did you know that YOU as a partner could help by creating a comfortable and stress-free atmosphere around the breastfeeding mother? Did you know that breastfeeding is the most important responsibility of a new mother?
As you all know, I was done with breastfeeding a while ago and now I just keep on encouraging new moms to breastfeed their babies because I was shocked to know that some people actually treat breastfeeding like it was an unwanted traditional custom. I am not the traditional type either but when was caring for your baby traditional?
There are several perks and pains of breastfeeding. But on account of the approaching breastfeeding week, let me give you some pros on the same. After you have given your baby your precious colostrum (which you should NEVER EVER throw away), the benefits of breastfeeding do not stop there. Breastfeeding for at least one year, helps to build your baby’s immunity, helps in the baby’s development and helps the baby bond with the mother.
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Yes, our lifestyle and our work stress and timings force us to wean the babies off sooner than they should. But there are various ways you can work around it and make sure your babies get the maximum they can. So, how do you continue feeding your baby successfully despite your need to work or travel?
New Moms! A complete guide to buying your breast pump in India!
Breast pumps! Personally, I made good use of my LuvLap breast pumps after both my deliveries. I found that it was a blessing that such a device existed in the first place. So, here I’ve curated the 5 benefits of using a breast pump, which may help a breastfeeding mom:
1. Double Nipple Practice: The babies tend to have trouble during weaning off time so expressing your milk and feeding them with a spoon or bottle will get them used to other ways of having their grub without compromising on the breast milk.
2. Available breast milk while away: I left my one month old baby behind for one whole day due to some work and my mother easily managed with the feeds because I had pumped my milk and kept it at my little one’s disposal.
3. Avoids sore and cracked nipples: This was the blessing I was talking about. When I had sore nipples, my breast pump came to my rescue. I would pump and feed continuously until I was ready to get my nipples chewed on again.
4. Pumping produce more breast milk: Initially I was not aware of the electric pumps so I started my expressing journey with a manual one and found it very comfortable. Eventually, I found that the more I pumped, the more I produced. It worked for me!
5. Storage in extra containers: The extra containers (that came with the LuvLap breast pump) with screwable lids were apt to store my milk even in the fridge. So I would freeze it for a couple of days until my baby needed it.
Keeping in mind the advantages of breastfeeding, hope the above helps you find ways to delay, weaning your babies off, as much as possible. I suggest you give your babies as much mother’s milk as you can. You will realize the plus points in the long run. Trust me. All the best mommies!
Here are some of the crazy myths around breastfeeding!
This is a much needed blog post for those mommies who face issues in feeding babies. Breast pumps can indeed simplify the process.
With my first baby I was too young, immature and naive to use a breast pump. For my second one, I used a motorized pump from Luvlap.
Breast pumps are really handy and helpful even for the mom of a preemie . I have used breast pump and I love the way it makes my breast feeding easier.
breast pumps are really helpful for even moms of preemies and all moms trying to keep up with the supplies. This is quite a helpful post for new moms.
Breast pumps are a boon to motherhood, if we choose rightly then we sail the initial days of post pregnancy with ease. This post will be helpful to many mothers, Cindy you have crafted this post very well.
The breast pump was a saviour for me as a new Mom. I would totally recommend pregnant and new moms to check these and use to their benefit.
When I was breastfeeding no body shared these insights and it was very late around 6 months that I found about breast pumps. I read everything I could find on one or two parenting blogs and ordered with half knowledge. But your posts are adding great value to the pool. This is exactly what one should read before deciding on buying
This really looks like a great product for new moms. What a detailed post. This would definitely help out moms who are facing feedings troubles.
Such an insightful post for new moms. I do hope the new moms start understanding the concept of breast pumps and start using them. I will send this to my friends who are expecting kids or have little babies.
Breast pumps are indeed very useful for new moms. My mom used them too. Now the pumps are much advanced.
One of my friends is in the family way and I would surely ask her to check out your post. Certainly breast bumps is a life saver for moms for all the reasons you mentioned in your post. When my daughter was an infant, even my wife had used breast pump to feed milk, so I know the value of this product. I strongly endorse it as well.
I did use breastpump during my second time for a few months until the lockdown started and it was of a great help. Especially when it came to handle my elder child.
Up until now I have used a breast pump only once. That too a manual one and it was a bad experience. Never tried after that. Though I dont need it now, but I will definitely share ur link with my SIL
I’m curious what issue you had with the manual because I used it a lot… With no issues at all…
Helpful post for mothers to be and new mothers. I will share this with my friends – mothers to be are always looking for reliable information.
I have used breast pumps in my first baby. It is really good but I feel it ,little painful at times. BUt it is great when ur working mom or you have to leave baby behind it is best.
Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants. And it is absolutely ok to pump your breast milk and give it to your baby in a bottle. Every mother should know above all the benefits of breast pumps.
This is something new to me. though I had heard about benefits of using breast pumps but I did not know that use of this, increase more breast milk. will share this post with my mommy friends who are breastfeeding moms, I am sure this will help them a lot in understanding detail insight about using breast pumps and their benefits.