I’m close to finishing my TBR list of 40 books. I decided that I would read 5 classics and write about them but I’m still on my second one because some of them are simply difficult to read. I hope to achieve my goal by December.
Recently, Scholastic India Writers Academy conducted a writing workshop for kids. The final stories written by these kids were curated and published as an anthology. This book is special to me because one of the stories was written by my 11-year-old daughter when she was 10. So, I took the onus of reviewing the book which consists of 20 stories by 20 little children.
The cover is cute with books flying all over the place.
Name: Little Bits of Magic
Author: 20 kids from the Scholastic India Writers Academy
Format: Hardcopy
Number of pages: 162
Availability: Amazon (Buy paperback here)
Rating: 4/5
Perhaps the title could be different as all the stories do not talk about magic. The subtitles, on the other hand, are apt for the stories written under them.
Most of the authors have written in simple Indian English though some of them have used words that I had to Google. The word for today is gargantuan.
You will find all kinds of stories like simple thrillers, murder mysteries, magic diaries, embezzlement stories, change of heart, power of friendship, planet attacks, adventures and space ventures here. There are also stories about witches, grouchy grandmas, mafia and monsters.
*It was interesting to read what kids can write these days.
*Some of the stories were really mind-blowing (considering that they were written by mere 10 to 12-year-olds)!
*I learned quite a few words from these little writers.
*Their imagination was quite interesting.
*Some of the authors had an impressive palette of words.
The editing is done well despite negligible errors. Of course, for the kids, there is a lot of scope for improvement. If they can write this much at this age, I’m sure that they will right all their wrongs and do way better in the years to come. Wishing them all the best!
All the author introductions were written in the first person and were very cute. What I found common with all the little ones was that all of them read, loved to read or were avid readers. And this good reading habit shows in this amazing book.
Just to mention, my daughter’s story is called Murder at the Mads. I suggest you read this book, too. Perhaps one story a day would do justice so that you can absorb each story and revel in the authors’ imaginations. I hope you enjoy this publication by Scholastic India.
Check out my daughter’s BOOK REVIEW of GERONIMO STILTON BOOKS here.
This post is part of Bookish League blog hop hosted by Bohemian Bibliophile.
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.
Bravo on nearing the completion of your extensive TBR list! Your decision to delve into classics and share your insights on “Little Bits of Magic” is both ambitious and heartening. The review beautifully encapsulates the diverse tales penned by young talents. Wishing you success in achieving your reading goals and more literary delights!
Congratulations to your daughter and to you too. She is very talented. I would love to read the book. God bless.
The kids have written it and thats more special to me. Interesting as well. The cover is cute and the overview is good!
Lovely book review! I can truly attest on you mentioning how amazing children’s minds nowadays can travel to. Being a stay-at-home mom, I try to be as present as possible and to engage in conversations to learn more about our girls. i can’t deny being fascinated on how much they know about at their young age, and sometimes, them even teaching me a thing or two.
Murder at the Mads – the name has something to provoke me to read the book. I couldn’t believe that your daughter writes such an amazing story at this age; it’s really amazing. All the best to her, and I would love to read the book. Amazing, Cindy. Thanks for sharing this.
I like thrillers and romantic reads.. but this one I definitely need to take for myself to read. Especially that I know Camy has written too. My Christmas gift this year?
Come home and collect it!
What the tiny mind can come up with would be really interesting to read. Imagine people dream to publish a book and here are the little ones with the interesting tiny bits 😉
Getting published at such a young age is quite an achievement. Congratulations to your daughter. It’s so good to see and read children’s thoughts. The sheer variety and the angle at which they look at things is mind blowing. Sometimes, I wonder–Why didn’t I think this way? The book looks very interesting too going by the blurb. Will pick it up–thanks for recommendation.
Thank you, Janaki.
Starting so young…blessings to her and I wish her the best. The world is her Oyster and she has the chance to grab it
Thank you, Harjeet.
Wow, that sounds great, Cindy! Best wishes to your little champ. I really enjoy reading stories and poems written by kids – it makes me feel relaxed and happy. My son writes poem but don’t want to publish it. You know how these teenagers behave. 😅. I will get it whwnever I visit india for sure.
Thank you, Anjali.
I am so impressed by the young Cameron, to write a story and get published by Scholastic India Writers Academy is no small achievement. Her story too seems to be a mystery which I love!
Thank you, Preeti.
Awesome, let me buy this book and can’t wait to read what your daughter has written. This world lacks good content (Movies, books) for kids. This is good initiative.
Thank you, Rose. Would really help to know what were your thoughts on the same. Thanks again.
Wow!!!… what a lovely idea and I am excited to read Cammy’s story. Are the stories ‘for kids’ or have the kids written adult stories?
btw, what’s gargantuan? 🤪
It’s by kids for kids. I don’t think I’ve read adult stories written by kids! Hahaha! You are supposed to click on the word in my blog to know the meaning. 😉
Wonderful initiative. I read an anthology recently where stories were written by children (Fiction Treasure Trove published by Keekli) and I was amazed by their imagination and creativity.
And it’s a nice review. 🙂
I should try and read that book, too, Tarang!
I had no idea you had another author in the family. Many congratulations to Cameron. I remember reading the review post a couple of years back. Do let us know when the book is available for purchase, would love to read it.
Thank you for participating in the blog hop, Cindy. And for being my sounding board 🙂
Awww, you give me too much credit, Ritu! It’s my pleasure!
Initiatives like these spark the desire for reading and writing in children. Congratulations for your daughter’s wonderful achievement. I wish her more such opportunities in future.
Thank you, Sonia!
This looks like a super fun read for kids and adults alike. My elder one used to be fan of gerenimo stiliton when he was a kid, we have so many scholastic books at home.
Oh what a fascinating collection and that too written by children. I must recommend it to my cousins for their kids. Thanks for bringing this book to my notice
It’s a good thing that Scholastic has been doing. I am not surprised after having seen what young authors are writing these days. They have a great imagination. Congratulations to your daughter. Perhaps you two can co-author in the future. Good luck!
Good idea, Sakshi. And thank you.
I am sure kids have a lot to share.
It must a treat reading this book.
Wow, this seems like a perfect read this fall. I love to read books revolving around magic, witches and wizards during October and November 🙂
Congratulations on the publication of your daughter’s story! It’s indeed a wonderful achievement at such a young age!
Thank you, Noor!
This is such a good initiative by Scholastic India. If kids are given the thrill of being published they are on the way to love writing for life!
True, Sona!
Congratulations for publishing story of your daughter. I would really like to read and check out the little writers imagination and their world. Lots of things I will learn from them.
Thank you, Neeta.
Congratulations to your daughter! I really liked the idea that Scholastic created this opportunity for kids to publish their work and I am sure ‘little bits of magic’ will be full of magic! Looking forward to reading it.
Thank you, Ninu.
The fact that kids are writing at this age is commendable. It sounds like an interesting compilation. Congratulations to your daughter for getting her story published.
Thank you, Janaki!
11 and 12-year-olds getting to be authors! What a thoughtful initiative by Scholastic India Writers Academy. Congratulations to your daughter for using the opportunity and enjoying the credit.
Thank you, Prasanna!
Many many congratulations on your daughter’s success! Like mother like daughter 🙂 I am definitely looking forward to reading these stories by authors of such a young age. Congratulations to all of them!
Thank you, Nikita!
It is so great that Scholastic is nurturing the talent of children. It is so important to motivate, encourage and support the children in their dreams
It sure is, Harshita!
Many congratulations to your daughter.
I liked the concept of the contributors writing their bios in first-person. Pretty sure that bit is super cute.
Thanks for sharing this review with us 🙂
Yes, very cute, Manali!
Doesn’t this take us back in time to cherish our childhood and give us the wings of imagination, when we hear or read the word ‘Magic’? I loved the way you have reviewed the book, Cindy. As you said it right, for children authors, there’s ample opportunities to improve their writing skills and emerge into flawless writers in the future.
True, Swarnali!
Books written by kids give so much insight into their thought processes fears and aspirations. I think this would be a fabulous read just as you rated it Cindy. Having read a really long book recently, I do crave ‘Little bits of magic” now.
Hahaha… will update the link to it once it is available on Amazon!
The collection sounds adorable! Your comment about what kids are writing these days really makes me want to read it. I’ll see if I can get my hands on a copy 😀
Sure, Charvi, do let me know what you think of it whenever you do!
What a fabulous idea of getting children to write and compiling it into a book. I love the variety in their stories. It’s amazing what the children can come up with.
I dropped by your daughter’s review of Geronimo Stilton. My favourite part – I have spent no screen time writing this review :-).
Hahahahha! Yeah, Tulika, I’m super strict with their screen-time.
I am a sucker for the word magic. And as your daughter has contributed a story, I would certainly like to read this one. It’s quite a creative feat, children writing stories that are published for other children. And here I am, thinking since the last few decades and not coming out with anything. So nice to know you gave your daughter a nudge in the right direction.
Yeah I would like to write a book too, Ambica, but after a lot of contemplation, I decided to stick to my blog.
I love reading kids book and book penned by kids. I dont if I ever said you this or not that I love working with kids and make efforts to bring their work in limelight under the umbrella of Indiacafe24. I worked with some very talented kids (Class 1-12) from different parts of India and encouraged them to share their feelings and opinions about lockdown through poems and short stories( Lockdown Kaleidoscope). It was published and received massive appreciation which in turn gave immense pleasure being the compiler. You will not believe that some of the stories and poems are so brilliant and will surprise you to know the depth these kids are having. I will love to read this book and thanks for the recommendation.
I’d love to read that compilation some day, Samata!
Good for kids, I guess. It’s good that youngsters are encouraged to write. Scholastic has been doing some great job at this.
Yup it is!
Congratulations to your daughter! It’s indeed a great accomplishment to be published at such a tender age.
Thank you, Aishwariya!
I love the idea of kids having written the book and I want to read it just to see how they think! Thank you for the review. I also really love the cover.
Do read it and let me know, Ahana.
err I completely agree kids of the z gen are great when it comes to speaking, writing a bit of childish fun and hard-to-read vocabulary this book must be a delight. All the best to the little pro writers.